Popular ‘90s Celebrity Actresses We Still Admire and Love Today


By the time the 21st century came around, Diaz’s stardom just began to glow brighter than the first light of energy as she starred in many popular films including Charlie’s angel, New York Gangs, Minority reports, Shrek, In her shoes and The holiday. Yet the way she started off her acting career was an immensely impressive late back in 90s.

As she approached the bank in a rainy morning dressed in a short red dress with an innocent smile opposite Jim Carrey in “The Mask” she made the moviegoers dropping the jaws and wondered how much she is capable of resulting to be the highest grossing US actresses currently. Her net worth is around $140 million and having an impressive financial portfolios ever. She owns loan free , mortgage free mansions and properties all through New York, California and Chelsea Neighborhood. Via the acting credits she had won the audiences and even though after her retirement she is still remembered for her works like, My best friend’s wedding and There’s something About Mary.